Emergency Credit

Get instant credit and pay later when you recharge!

Running out of credit and you need to make an important call?

We've got you covered! Use our Emergency Credit Service and get instant credit and pay later when you recharge your Prepaid.


Key Features


  • Eligible customers can borrow credit and use it on Voice or SMS service


  • The credited amount will be taken back on the next Reload or subsequent Reloads

Emergency Credit Plans

Learn more on all your options to get Emergency Credit


Emergency Credit - MVR 5

Credited Amount - MVR 4.25

Service Charge - MVR 0.75

Credit Reduction on next Reload - MVR 5

Emergency Credit - MVR 10

Credited Amount - MVR 8.5

Service Charge - MVR 1.5

Credit Reduction on next Reload - MVR 10

Emergency Credit - MVR 25

Credited Amount - MVR 20.5

Service Charge - MVR 4.5

Credit Reduction on next Reload - MVR 25

Emergency Credit - MVR 50

Credited Amount - MVR 41

Service Charge - MVR 9

Credit Reduction on next Reload - MVR 50

Emergency Credit - MVR120

Credited Amount - MVR 96

Service Charge - MVR 24

Credit Reduction on next Reload - MVR 120

For full Terms & Conditions, please click here.




Get it today


Subscribe to Emergency Credit by sending an SMS with the keyword "credit" to 200 and navigate the menu as per the below list.




Check if you are eligible for emergency credit service and check if you have any outstanding credit.


Check if you are eligible for emergency credit service and check if you have any outstanding credit.


Check if you have any outstanding credit and available credit balance.


Access the available credit amount menu.




Frequently Asked Questions