• 07 October 2017
    Simple. Fun - Dhiraagu introduces MAMEN!

    Mamen, the digital platform from Dhiraagu for empowered, innovative and fun people has taken off at the Dhiraagu Youth Fest in Vilingili today. A lucky first group of 100 customers will be the first members of the Mamen community until it is made available to the general public very soon. As part of the limited release, the first 100 Mamen customers will also be gifted 10GB worth of data


    What is Mamen?

    Mamen is the beginning of an exciting movement from Dhiraagu that allows customers to work, play and live online the way they want to. It is for people who like to be in the driver’s seat, to set the controls for themselves. It is a community where youthful energetic people of different talents, abilities and walks of life may converge, collaborate and innovate. 


    Mamen is also a mobile plan and app that allows users to build their own package in the most innovative and flexible way. Mamen in Dhivehi means “us” and signifies our focus on empowered customers. Now users can set Data, Voice and SMS as they require- with just a simple gesture on their phones. 



    RB (short for Raalhu Bis) is the Mamen app’s unit of exchange. RBs are swapped for Data, Voice or SMS. Customers buy RBs and RBs are forever - which means with Mamen unused data does not get lost and what’s left unused can easily be converted or moved around as the customer wishes. 


    Speaking to the press, Dhiraagu’s Chief Marketing Officer Isabelle Hajri said “Mamen is not just any app or plan. We are taking the concept of “customer knows best” to a whole new level. Customers know what’s best for them, and we let them decide.” 


    The Mamen App shall be available for download both on the Google Playstore and iOS App Store shortly. 

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