• 21 May 2009
    Introducing Dhiraagu 121, a song and message dedication service
    In an age when mobile service is regarded as indispensable, it is only fitting that customers have a wide and diverse selection of services and products to complement their requirements.

    With this in mind, Dhiraagu is pleased to introduce Dhiraagu 121 service, a song and message dedication service for mobile customers. When customers need to express themselves, but just cannot find the words to do so, they can rely on Dhiraagu121 service. Dhiraagu 121 offers an ideal song or message for every customer, and for every occasion. Available for Dhiraagu mobile customers only, Dhiraagu 121 does not require registration or monthly fees. To send a dedication, all customers have to do is:

    • Call 121 from their mobile
    • Select a song or message from the various categories
    •Add a personal dedication message if wished
    • Send to the required Dhiraagu mobile number

    The large collection of songs and messages are categorised under ‘Express Your Feelings’, ‘Greetings’, ‘Religious’, ‘National Songs’ and ‘Fun and Joke’. Dhivehi, English and Hindi songs being equally popular with our customers, we have created a collection reflecting these preferences. 121 service also includes, for the first time in the Maldives, a selection of ethnic songs.

    With calls to 121 being charged at Rf. 1.50 per minute, and dedications costing Rf. 4 each, Dhiraagu 121 service provides an easy way out when customers need to say something but cannot find the right words. Never have the sentiments ‘Sorry’ or ‘I love you’ been so easy to express. Or national celebrations been so easy to be part of.

    Dhiraagu works to maintain the company’s excellent service, while ensuring that customers are able to enjoy the lighter side of mobile communications.

    Media contact for more information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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