• 02 September 2001
    Infocall Service Introduced
    Dhiraagu has launched InfoCall service today, 2 September 2001. InfoCall is a premium rate service that allows the provisioning of various types of information, such as the weather, horoscopes and airline flight details.

    Customers calling the service dial a special number from any fixed telephone line in the Maldives (the service is not available from mobile phones). Currently, a horoscope information service is online, which can be accessed by calling 910910.

    InfoCall service will be provided in partnership with local companies. Dhiraagu will provide the electronic message "boxes" to store the information. Local companies will provide the information for the service that will be recorded into the "boxes" by calling from any normal telephone.

    Dhiraagu requests interested content providers (local companies) to call NOW and get more details. The revenue generated from calls (at Rf3.00 per minute) will be shared between Dhiraagu and content providers.
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