Dhiraagu has announced that the Grand Finale of Dhiraagu Mobile Legends Conquest will take place this Friday, 11 August 2023 at Dhiraagu Head Office. The Grand Finale will be a full day physical event where friends and family of the will be able to watch them play live at the location.
Dhiraagu Mobile Legends Conquest is the largest e-sport event to be held in the Maldives with a prize pool of MVR 100,000. The first 7 days of the tournament were played online and livestreamed on Dhiraagu Facebook and YouTube pages. After some intense matches, the two grand finalists were announced last week – Team Vigani and Team Sleeping Forest.
In the Grand Finale event, Dhiraagu will also be conducting a one-day FIFA tournament along with different VR games which will take place at Dhiraagu Head Office. The company will be awarding a PlayStation 5 to the winner of the FIFA tournament.
Interested players can register for the tournament via a special registration portal. Registration will be first come, first served, and will be closed once the limit of 35 players is reached.
Dhiraagu is committed to promoting e-sports in the Maldives and working with the gaming community to take Maldivian e-sports to the next level.