• 25 January 2015
    DhiraaguTV - The Only TV Service Available on Mobile & FixedBroad Band
    Dhiraagu, the leading telecommunications company in Maldives, unveils DhiraaguTV giving the flexibility for customers to watch live TV on smartphones, tablets, and laptops or on their personal computers. With DhiraaguTV customers now have the freedom to watch TV channels of their choice simultaneously on different devices regardless of location or time.

    DhiraaguTV can be watched on Dhiraagu mobile and fixed broadband service including Mobile Postpaid, Mobile Prepaid, TouchNet Postpaid, TouchNet Prepaid, ADSL Broadband or UltraFast Broadband connections. With DhiraaguTV, customers will be able to enjoy their favourite programs when they are at home or on the move.

    To subscribe for DhiraaguTV customers will simply have to send a SMS with keyword PLAY to 404. Once subscribed, customers will receive an SMS with a unique username and password. As a promotional offer subscription will be free of charge till 28 February 2015. Customers can then login to play.mv from their preferred device and choose a channel to watch live TV.

    At the official unveiling ceremony of Dhiraagu TV, Manager Marketing Broadband and Data Services, Mohamed Fahir said, ‘We wanted to find a way to offer customers a simple, straightforward way to view TV content across multiple number of smart devices or screen while they are waiting in line, in a ferry or anywhere, anytime. The service has already been tested during the presidential election and during the football word cup 2014. The service is reliable, customised and enhanced for streaming to meet the demands of our customers. This is just the initial phase of our TV service; we will be further expanding the service to offer quality entertainment to be enjoyed anywhere and anytime.’

    Dhiraagu has the widest 3G / 4G LTE network in the Maldives. DhiraaguTV can be viewed seamlessly over Dhiaagu 3G or fixed broadband connection.

    For more details on Dhiraagu TV please visit our website at http://bit.ly/dhiraaguTV or call 123.

    Issued by:
    Dhiraagu Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    25th January 2015

    Media contact for information:
    Imjad Jaleel
    Assistant Manager Public Relations
    Phone: 3311681, Mobile: 779 2040

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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