• 26 September 2021
    Dhiraagu supports Childhood Cancer Awareness Campaign by Cancer Society of Maldives.

    Dhiraagu continues to support Cancer Society of Maldives Campaign (CSM) to raise Awareness for Childhood Cancer.
    Since 2018, Dhiraagu has been part of the Childhood Cancer Awareness Campaign that runs every year in September. This year, CSM together with Dhiraagu has kicked off a mass awareness campaign about childhood cancer, its risk factors, warning signs, psychological impact and reintegration back into school and society after cancer. Dhiraagu has pledged to fully support CSM to run this campaign and draw the attention due to the increase of childhood cancer, considering the lack of awareness amongst the general public on childhood cancer prevalence in the country and the signs and symptoms of childhood cancer.
    According to a recent report released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) indicates that global occurrence of childhood cancer is greater than previously thought, and officials warn that childhood cancer is becoming a public health crisis in the developing world. The reports also show that the estimated cancer cases and deaths in children are highest in Asia. Children with cancers account for about 1% of all cancers in the world, whereas Maldives statistics estimates show 6-7% of cancer patients are below 19 years. Cancers such as leukemia and brain cancer are among the most common types of cancers affecting children.
    This year’s campaign will focus on a special video series to raise awareness on childhood cancer. The series will especially highlight Childhood Cancer in Maldives, patient stories and how the society could help children return back to school and community after treatment. The campaign will also include a special online art exhibit targeted to school children.
    "In the beginning of the month of this September, we lit up a gold ribbon in our head office building to draw attention to childhood cancer awareness and to pledge our support to the campaign. Care for Children is a key focus area in our CSR programme and we are glad to support this much- needed campaign by the Cancer Society of Maldives and to utilize our platforms to further spread the message" Stated Athifa Ali, Dhiraagu Director Corporate Services.
    “This year’s campaign will have a special emphasis on awareness for childhood cancer survivors who are reintegrating back to schools and the psychological effects of childhood cancer to the entire family. We would like to thank Dhiraagu for their continuous support as our main partner in all our Childhood Cancer Awareness campaigns and look forward to working together to make a difference.” Stated Juwairiya Saeed, Chairperson of Cancer Society of Maldives
    Dhiraagu continues to provide programme-based support and works closely with several NGOs working in the area of supporting children

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