• 22 September 2005
    Dhiraagu Signs Rf15m Contract To Expand Fixed Line Service
    Dhiraagu has signed a Rf15million contract with Ericsson of Sweden to expand and enhance its fixed line service.

    Under this contract the capacity of Dhiraagu's core fixed line switching system will be increased by 34% to meet the forecast customer demand.

    In addition, essential hardware and the system software will be upgraded to make the switch future proof and compatible with the latest industry standards so that customer demands for new services and enhancements can be served quickly.

    The contract was signed on behalf of Dhiraagu by the CEO Ismail Waheed and on behalf of Ericsson by the Managing Director of Ericsson Sri Lanka office Mr. Bimal Dayal. Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Ismail Waheed said, 'The signing of this contract, part of a Rf34m project to expand and enhance our fixed line service, demonstrates our commitment to continuously invest to develop all our services i.e. fixed, mobile and Internet.'

    Customers with any queries can call 123 FREE (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or email [email protected].

    Media contact for more information

    Ahmed Shaafiu
    Manager Marketing
    Phone: 311450
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