• 10 May 2007
    Dhiraagu officially inaugrates service on fiber optic submarine cable connecting Laamu atoll and G Dh. Atoll
    Today Dhiraagu officially inaugurated provision of service on its fiber optic submarine cable connecting Laamu Atoll and Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll. The inauguration ceremony took place this morning at Nasandhura Palace Hotel with a simultaneous ceremony held in Seenu Hithadhoo via live videoconferencing.

    Dhiraagu Chief Executive, Mr. Ismail Rasheed, addressed the gathering at both locations. In his statement, Mr Rasheed highlighted Dhiraagu's pride in being the first service provider in the Maldives to offer communication services connecting two atolls via fiber optic submarine cable.

    He emphasized that the completion of this project has resulted in a substantial increment to the quality of service for Dhiraagu customers all around the Maldives, and noted the impressive milestone Dhiraagu has achieved towards the expansion and development of international and inter-atoll communication services in the Maldives.

    In his remarks, he thanked the President of the Maldives, His Excellency Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, for inaugurating the service on Dhiraagu international fiber optic submarine cable between the Maldives and Sri Lanka, on 12 December 2006.

    Mr. Rasheed also thanked today's Chief Guest, the Hon. Minister of Transport and Communications, Mr. Mohamed Saeed, for attending today's event to officially inaugurate the service on Dhiraagu fiber optic submarine cable connecting Laamu Atoll and Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll.

    The Chief Executive's speech was followed by the inaugural phone call from Mr. Hussein Saeed, the Seenu Atoll Chief, to Hon. Minister Mohamed Saeed. Minister Saeed noted that this was a prestigious accomplishment and a matter of pride not only for Dhiraagu but for the entire country as a whole, and conveyed his congratulations to the Dhiraagu management and staff.

    He highlighted the significant developmental gateways this has opened up for the people of the southern region and to the general public.

    Dhiraagu Submarine Cable Project consisted of three phases which commenced during early last year proceeded with astonishing speed and the first phase was completed and service launched on 12 December 2006 when the international cable connecting the Maldives and Sri Lanka reached the landing station at the Maldives.

    Not long after that, the second phase was also completed with the establishment of additional links between Hulhumale and Male', and Male' and Kaafu Villingilli.

    The fiber optic submarine cable link between the Maldives and Sri Lanka was officially inaugurated on 12th December 2006 by His Excellency Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, making history in the Maldives with the country's first ever launching of communications services using an international submarine cable.

    The third and final phase of the project was the completion of the 238 km domestic submarine cable system across the One and Half Degree Channel (between Laamu Gan and Gaafu Dhaal Gadhdhoo), marking another important milestone in the history of communications in the Maldives, as the biggest challenge in providing uniform communication in the country was overcome by Dhiraagu.

    To mark the official inauguration of service on the fiber optic cable connecting Laamu Atoll and Gaafhu Dhaalu Atoll, a musical show is planned to be held this evening at Seenu Hithadhoo and Laamu Gan, followed by another show tomorrow at Gaafu Dhaalu Gadhoo.

    The completion of this USD 27 million project, which includes international and domestic links, will greatly assist in the integration of the rapidly developing Maldivian economy with the global information highway and will result in superior services and minimal charges both locally and internationally for all Dhiraagu customers.

    Charges for Dhiraagu IDD calls, broadband internet, and fixed line to mobile calls as well as pre-paid calls, have already been significantly reduced.

    Media contact for more information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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