• 21 August 2014
    Dhiraagu Mobile Network Upgrade and 4G LTE Project
    To improve Dhiraagu mobile network and implement 4G LTE services, we will be conducting a major network operation with the installation of new equipment as part of the second stage of the field work in our upgrade project.

    The work is scheduled to take place in greater Male’ area during last two weeks of August 2014. During this period customers in the following areas may experience mobile service interruptions such as call drops, difficulty in making and receiving calls, getting missed call alerts and impact on 3G speeds. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our customers.

    Expected Work Date* | Upgrade Work Area
    18 - 19 Aug Area 1 | Vilimale’ area Ameenee Magu, Maafannu west towards central Machangoalhi area.
    20 - 21 Aug Area 2 | Customs area towards Chandhanee Magu, Majeedhee Magu Junction
    22 - 23 Aug Area 3 | Ghiyasuddin International School area towards Artificial Beach area
    23 - 24 Aug Area 4 | Chandhanee Magu, Majeedhee Magu Junction towards Nasandhura Palace Hotel area
    24 - 25 Aug Area 5 | Hulhule and Hulhumale area Male’ North area towards central Male North East Artificial Beach area

    * The actual dates may change due to weather as some of the work has to be carried out on outdoor towers.

    We have scheduled the works in a manner to minimize impact on customers as much as possible. We will be fully completing this phase of the upgrade work by early September 2014 and with these enhancements our customers will experience superior quality of service.

    Note: The expected work date in the above table has been revised on 21 August 2014 due to unfavorable weather conditions.

    Media contact for information:
    Imjad Jaleel
    Assistant Manager Public Relations
    Phone: 3311681, Mobile: 779 2040

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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