• 09 May 2011
    Dhiraagu launches the first ever 1GB mobile internet package
    Dhiraagu has today announced the launch of first ever gigabit allowance mobile Internet package in the Maldives, named ‘GB Pack’.

    The first in ‘GB Pack’ series is to offer 1GB mobile Internet for a monthly fee of Rf 160. It will improve the mobile Internet experience of Dhiraagu customers with a bigger allowance compared to any existing mobile Internet package offered in the market, providing customers with the freedom to surf the Internet on their mobiles with huge savings.

    With the growing number of Internet applications for mobiles and smart phones optimized for broadband mobile Internet, demand for convenient and larger mobile data plans are on the rise.

    More than just a communication tool, mobile phones have now become a tool for entertainment, productivity and information. Hence, this new introduction by Dhiraagu would enhance the user experience of the customers to a greater extent.

    Upon launching of this package Dhiraagu Manager Mobile Marketing, Rifath Mohamed said “During the last few months we have seen huge growth in smart phones and tablet PC take up among our customers.

    The GB Pack is a direct response from Dhiraagu to meet the needs of those customers and we are very happy that Dhiraagu is the first service provider in the country to launch such a package.

    This new packages delivers the full benefits of smartphones and brings superior value to our customers.”

    This is also the first ever mobile broadband handset package to be introduced to the market for both postpaid and prepaid customers. To subscribe to the package customers will have to simply send an SMS to 445 with keywords “Add GB1”.

    For more details of the package and Dhiraagu mobile Internet service please visit our website at www.dhiraagu.com.mv.

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