• 28 August 2006
    Dhiraagu Introduces Quick Recharge (QR) Service
    Dhiraagu is pleased to announce the introduction of Quick Recharge (QR) service.

    QR service allows Dhiraagu postpaid customers to recharge a Dhiraagu prepaid account balance by simply sending an SMS to 144 . The recharge amount is automatically applied to the monthly postpaid bill.

    Dhiraagu postpaid customers are required to register for QR service by sending an SMS to 144. Upon successful registration, customers will receive a unique PIN number which should be used for all subsequent QR transactions. The charge for sending an SMS to 144 is Rf 1.

    A QR sent to a Dhiraagu prepaid account which has been suspended or disabled will change the account status to active. Any amount between Rf1 and Rf500 in Rf1 increments can be sent, provided the balance of the Dhiraagu prepaid account receiving the QR does not exceed the Rf1800 maximum credit limit for a Dhiraagu prepaid account.

    An exciting feature of Dhiraagu QR service is its monthly recharge, where customers can select a specific date of the month for the prepaid to be recharged. Postpaid customers can check the transfers they have made using Dhiraagu's e-bill service, in addition to the confirming SMS that will be received for each transaction made.

    Earlier this month, Dhiraagu had launched a similar service called Quick Top-up (QT) where Dhiraagu prepaid customers could transfer credit from one prepaid account to another active prepaid account by simply sending an SMS.

    For more detailed information customers may visit any Dhiraagu outlet and pick-up one of the dual-language QT User Guides that will clearly explain how to use both the QR and the QT service. Postpaid customers will also receive further details of QR service as an insert with their next monthly bill.

    Media contact for more information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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