• 31 December 2008
    Dhiraagu Introduces MMS Jadhoo
    Dhiraagu is pleased to introduce a magical new service for mobile customers, MMS Jaadhoo.

    An MMS based service, MMS Jaadhoo lets customers see how much they resemble their relatives, how famous artists would have painted their portraits, or who their celebrity look-alikes are. With no registration necessary and using an amazing application which graphically morphs images, MMS Jaadhoo offers three options, Family Factor, Painter, and Celebrity Factor.

    With Family Factor, mobile users can send portrait images of themselves and of family members, and the application will analyse these images, giving a percentage value on the resemblance between the faces.

    The Painter option enables customers to get their portraits done in the distinctive styles of great artists such as Picasso and Rembrandt, a magical process bound to provide remarkable results.

    The third MMS Jaadhoo option is Celebrity Factor, which uses advance face recognition technology to match the customer’s image with that of international celebrities, and sends a morphed sequence showing the transformation from the customer’s photograph, to that of their celebrity look-alike.

    MMS Jaadhoo is yet another first for Dhiraagu and the Maldives. Being the most popular and widely used mobile service in the country, and with 100% coverage, Dhiraagu Mobile service can reach every person in the inhabited islands and resorts. With that in mind, we aim to provide the most useful and reliable services to our customers, while at the same time ensuring that they are able to enjoy some of the more fun and exciting features now available in the world.

    MMS Jaadhoo joins a host of other value added services provided to Dhiraagu Mobile customers, requiring no registration, no application download and no subscription fees. Apart from the Rf. 3 per MMS sent to MMS Jaadhoo number 500, there are no other charges.

    MMS Jadhoo service was developed by an organization called ORG. ORG is one of the few organizations in the world that offer a comprehensive suite of specialist services.

    From their core expertise of convergent IT and Telecom arena ORG has put together an array of service offerings in the field of Value added services, Content , Satellite Communications, Billing and OSS, Broadband Solutions, VOIP , WiMax and Infrastructure services and develops software products for Telecom and Banking services.

    India’s leading magazine tracing business, technology and regulatory aspect of telecom and networking, Voice&Data, recently named Dhiraagu ‘The Most Innovative Service Provider in Maldives’, and we are determined to remain so, by continuing provision of the type of services our customers require, at affordable prices.

    Media contact for information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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