• 25 October 2007
    Dhiraagu introduces International MMS
    For the first time in the Maldives, Dhiraagu introduces International Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).

    With effect from 25th October 2007 Dhiraagu Mobile customers can now send and receive MMS from over 30 GSM operators in popular destinations. Regardless of the size of MMS the charge per MMS will be only Rf 5.

    Dhiraagu commenced local MMS during 2003 and recently reduced the local MMS charges to just 50 laari. With the introduction of International MMS, Dhiraagu customers can now send and share videos, pictures and audio clips with their friends and family abroad. To view the list of countries to which you can send and receive international MMS, please visit www.dhiraagu.com.mv on the web or www.mymobile.mv from your mobile.

    To send an International MMS simply Select "Multimedia message" in "New Message" folder, key in the overseas subscriber's mobile number in the "To" or "CC" field as follows: <+/00> , write your message and attach photo or video clips from your personal folder and press send. It's easy to do, so go ahead and try it out today!

    Media contact for more information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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