• 11 April 2012
    Dhiraagu Introduces Email Bills
    Dhiraagu has introduced Email Bills, which will allow customers to have the option of subscribing to receive Dhiraagu bills directly into their specified Email.

    The Email bill service is one of the many green initiatives of Dhiraagu and the introduction of this service gives an added convenience for customer for receiving their monthly bills.

    Dhiraagu customers can also check their bill and bill details via Dhiraagu E-bill portal.

    Email Bill Service is offered free of charge and may be subscribed by simply submitting an application form to any Dhiraagu Customer Front Office.

    Existing E-bill users can subscribe for Email Bill via Dhiraagu E-Bill portal https://bills.dhiraagu.com.mv.

    Upon launching of Dhiraagu Email Bill services Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations Mohamed Mirshan Hassan said,

    "This is one of our many green initiatives in streamlining our operations towards more sustainable means and efficient bill delivery. With this service customers can expect to receive their bill in a swift manner as soon as the bill is ready".

    For more details on Dhiraagu E-Bill services please visit our website at www.dhiraagu.com.mv/emailbill or call Dhiraagu 123.

    Media contact for information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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