• 23 March 2004
    Dhiraagu Introduces Eight DhivehiNet Dedicated Access Packages
    Dhiraagu is pleased to announce the introduction of 8 DhivehiNet dedicated access packages offering speeds up to 8 times faster than the existing dedicated access packages.

    The four symmetric access (same download and upload speed) packages are high speed versions of the existing dedicated access packages and can be offered to customers anywhere in the Maldives.

    Package Download/Upload Speed (kbps) | Monthly Fee (Rf)
    256 kbps symmetric 256 / 256 | 39,000
    512 kbps symmetric 512 / 512 | 77,000
    768 kbps symmetric 768 / 768 | 115,000
    1 Mbps symmetric 1024 / 1024 | 150,000

    Four of the packages introduced today offer asymmetric access (different download and upload speed). Due to the nature of Internet traffic where most of the information is downloaded from the Internet, these packages will offer an opportunity for customers to enjoy high speed Internet access at much reduced rates without any perceivable difference in quality from the symmetric packages. Asymmetric packages will initially be available on Male’ only.

    Package Download/Upload Speed (kbps) | Monthly Fee (Rf)
    256 kbps symmetric 256 / 256 | 28,500
    512 kbps symmetric 512 / 128 | 52,500
    768 kbps symmetric 768 / 128 | 76,500
    1 Mbps symmetric 1024 / 256 | 97,500

    There will be a setup fee of Rf 2,500 for the symmetric packages and Rf 5,500 for the asymmetric packages. For the symmetric packages, national leased line charges will apply separately. Customers subscribing to any of these packages will receive the Web Hosting Gold Package, 8 Class C IP addresses and Internet server hosting capability at no additional charge.

    Customers with any queries can call 123 FREE (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or email [email protected].

    Issued by:
    Ahmed Shaafiu
    Marketing Manager
    Phone: 3311450
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