• 07 July 2018
    Dhiraagu introduced Dhiraagu pay NFC debit card to Ghiyasuddin International School students

    Dhiraagu introduces DhiraaguPay NFC Debit Cards for DhiraaguPay services provided to students at Ghiyaasuddin International School (GIS).


    DhiraaguPay service was introduced to the students of GIS during January 2018 whereby they used NFC stickers or their parents’ mobile numbers to make purchases.


    For better convenience and security, personalized debit cards were issued, including the student photo, index and name. Students can use the card to purchase food, by tapping the card on the POS terminal at the GIS canteen. This card can also be used in any Dhiraagu pay touch point.


    This being the first such card issued to the students in Maldives, Dhiraagu has offered a special 50% discount on all food purchased at the GIS canteen using this card during the promotion period.


     7 July 2018

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