• 08 October 2007
    Dhiraagu Implements Automatic Mobile Phone Configuration System
    As part of a continuous effort to improve customer experience, Dhiraagu has implemented a system to automatically configure customer’s mobile handset for Dhiraagu MMS, WAP and Mobile Internet Services.

    This new system will automatically send the settings to customer’s handset when a new customer logins to Dhiraagu network or when an existing customer changes the handset.

    The new system is also designed to automatically provide Dhiraagu MMS service to new customers. All new customers will receive a welcome MMS from Dhiraagu if the mobile handset supports this service.

    With the implementation of this state of the art mobile handset configuration system, existing and new customers can also set up their handset for MMS, WAP and Mobile Internet Service by simply sending a blank SMS to 222.

    The system will automatically configure the handset if the mobile handset supports Over-the Air Service Activation (OTA) feature.

    Media contact for more information

    Mohamed Mirshan Hassan
    Manager Marketing Communications and Public Relations
    Phone: 3311336
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