• 29 December 2010
    Dhiraagu donates a telemedicine system to the Ministry of Health & Family
    At a special ceremony held on 29th Dec 2010 at Nasandhura Place Hotel, Dhiraagu donated a telemedicine system costing over Mrf 2 million to the Ministry of Health & Family.

    The memorabilia denoting the telemedicine system was officially handed over by Dhiraagu Chief Executive, Mr Ismail Rasheed to the Honourable Minister of Health & Family, Dr. Aminath Jameel. In addition to donating the system, Dhiraagu will also cover the expense of technical support, software licensing fees and connectivity charges for one year.

    Telemedicine is becoming increasingly popular among both industrialized and developing countries as it has the capacity to provide better access to health care for patients living in remote areas and as such, for the Maldives, the system can be exceptionally beneficial for patients living in the islands.

    A special presentation was given at the ceremony that highlighted the key functions and capabilities of the telemedicine system that was donated. The system includes a telemedicine cart that encompasses special diagnostic tools such as general exam camera, digital electronic stethoscope, dermascope, ENT otoscope, telephonic stethoscope, digital spirometer, 12 lead interpretive ECG, and digital vital signs monitor etc.

    This telemedicine system can be installed in any of the remote islands and medical service to patients can be provided using the system through an internet connection between the remote location and hospital or medical centre where the doctor or consultant is located.

    The system additionally includes a portable mobile kit with basic diagnostic tools that can be easily transported to remote locations. The mobile unit can be used in emergencies and in medical campaigns to remote islands. The system also includes a video conferencing system, software and hardware that enable remote consultations and diagnostics to be performed via a broadband internet connection.

    The system will be installed in one of the remote islands to provide telemedicine services between the island and the central hospital (IGM Hospital) in Male’. Along with the system, a one year lease-free broadband connection will be provided by Dhiraagu for the island’s medical centre for this purpose.

    The system utilizes modern telecommunications technology, particularly enabling health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients in remote locations. It can also be used as a communication and as a teaching tool, between a specialist and a medical officer available at a remote island, using this experienced medical staff can communicate with and instruct other staff at distant locations.

    The system will also allow doctors to check blood pressure, pulse rate, diagnose and follow-up respiratory illnesses and see real-time video of the patients etc. It would simultaneously enable this information to be shared among other doctors at remote locations. This could save precious time for patients seeking specialized medical consultations while having to conventionally travel long distances from remote locations.

    While addressing at the ceremony, Chief Executive, Mr. Ismail Rasheed highlighted that Dhiraagu is pleased to make this donation as part of its social responsibility programme to address a much needed area of help in the community. He also indicated that as the leading technology company in the Maldives, bringing such new innovations; creating awareness of new technology and demonstrating new and efficient ways of using the telecommunication services is something Dhiraagu is increasingly giving a high importance to, so that the communities may enjoy the benefit of these new innovations that fuel the development of the country.

    He also highlighted that Dhiraagu has been an active contributor to community development initiatives, outside of its normal business, and because of this, has gained the respect and love of the community, and hopes this donation will add to that.

    He added that Dhiraagu has always played a socially responsible role, particularly in key areas crucial to the society, such as health, youth development and education.

    Accepting the donation, Honorable Minister Dr. Aminath Jameel commended the management and staff of Dhiraagu, stressing the significance of the project especially to the Maldives, the country being a geographically dispersed nation and to the health sector that faces many challenges. Additionally, the minister noted that Dhiraagu is an exemplary company in contributing to such community development of Maldives through Dhiraagu CSR activities.

    The function was attended by high level officials of the Ministry of Health & Family, board members and senior management of Dhiraagu, Male’ Health Service Corporation and representatives of NGOs and the social sector. This is a major milestone in the successful implementation of Dhiraagu CSR activities and moreover, Dhiraagu continues to remain as a responsible partner of the community.

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