• 31 October 2017
    Dhiraagu announces the event date for Dhiraagu Maldives Road Race 2017

    Dhiraagu has announcedthe date Friday, 24 November 2017 as the official date for  DhiraaguMaldives Road Race 2017 and dedicated the event to the theme “Help ProtectChildren”

    Dhiraagu Maldives Road Race is the biggest annual run held in thecountry and since its inception in 2007, it is the eleventh consecutive year ofthe event.  Dhiraagu Maldives Road Race is the only international run heldin the Maldives which is officially registered in AIMS (Association ofInternational Marathons and Distance Races) and it provides opportunities forMaldivian and International athletes to participate together in the run. Thedate scheduled for this year has also been officially calendared in AIMS. 

    Applications for NGO participation are now opentill 2 November 2017. Every year, the annual race is dedicated to a socialcause and this year’s cause is to help protect children. The race acts as asignificant platform for NGOs working in the area of child protection to createawareness and raise funds for the social cause. 

    NGOs are requested to send in an applicationbefore 2 November 2017 to register for Dhiraagu Maldives Road Race. All NGOsmeeting the eligibility criteria in the application will be endorsed as aregistered NGO for the event and featured on Dhiraagu Maldives Road Racewebsite. Detailed application guidelines for NGOs have also been published onthe website dmrr.mv.

    At the time of registration, runners will havethe opportunity to nominate an NGO from the list of endorsed NGOs .Dhiraaguwill contribute a total of MVR 200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Rufiyaa), to thetop five NGOs nominated by participants (MVR 40,000 to each NGO).This grant isawarded to help NGOs kick-start their planned activities.

    Additionally, the opportunity to purchase raceT-shirts will be opened to runners where all proceeds from the sales will bedonated to the nominated NGOs.

    Moreover, runners will have the opportunity todonate funds directly to the NGOs by means of getting sponsors for their raceattires. 

    At the day of the event, registered NGOs canutilize the stalls which will be provided to conduct awareness sessions andengage with the public.

    Entries for runners (race registrations) will beopened to the public soon and will be announced at a later date.

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