• 04 April 2000
    DhiMobile Data and Fax services introduced
    Dhiraagu announces today 4th April 2000 Data and Fax services are now available on the DhiMobile GSM service so customers can now use their GSM mobile phone to send and receive data and fax.

    The introduction of these services allows customers to now use their GSM phones for non-voice calls. Three different services, Fax, Data and Outgoing Data have initially been made available.

    Keith Wilson Dhiraagu General Manager said “These services are most applicable for customers on the move, who need to send or receive faxes, and access the Internet. Boats and other vessels, within the coverage area, can now conveniently use all these services”.

    In order to use fax or data services, customers need to subscribe to the service by completing an application form and paying an initial set-up fee of Rf100/- for each of the three services. These services are currently offered on a promotional basis with no monthly subscription fee payable and only standard DhiMobile call charges

    Issued by:

    Dhiraagu Marketing Communications & Public Relations
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