• 31 May 2001
    6 Second Billing - 31/5/2001
    Following the recent Dhiraagu Board Meeting, we are pleased to announce the introduction of 6-second billing after the initial first minute on all International, National, DhiMobile and DhivehiNet calls, with effect from 1 June 2001.

    Historically, customers have been charged in 1 minute billing increments for all their calls. However, following recent investments, in new Ericsson and Alcatel exchanges and an upgrade to our billing systems, this can now be introduced.

    This is part of our ongoing programme of listening to you the customer and introducing what you want. These changes will benefit all customers, providing major savings on telephone bills. For example, a customer calling Sri Lanka for 1 minute 6 seconds will now be charged Rf 20.90, a saving of 45% (previously they were charged Rf 38).

    We envisage introducing further "customer friendly" billing changes as soon as they are technically possible.

    Issued by:

    Dhiraagu Marketing Communications & Public Relations
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