• 24 October 2001
    15,000 Dhimobile Customers
    Dhiraagu is pleased to announce that the 15,000th DhiMobile customer will be connected within the next two weeks.

    To celebrate this major achievement Dhiraagu is offering the following special prizes for the 15000th customer:

    • A Male'-Colombo-Bangkok return air ticket.
    • A free Pre-Paid Connection Kit.
    • Free Internet access for one year

    Also every new mobile connection (including Pre-Paid) in Male' during the period up to 7 November will be automatically entered into a lucky draw. The first 10 customers drawn out will receive a special prize, which includes Rf 3,000 cash, a 21" colour TV, mobile phones and Pre-Paid Connection kit. Sri Lankan Airlines, Ziaf Traders, Fahamas, CP, Shoe Mart, MESCO, Fuji Colour Services, E&P and ICON Game Station are supporting this special promotion.

    Customers with any queries can call 123 FREE (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or email [email protected] or visit our website: http://www.dhiraagu.com.mv/.

    Issued by:

    Dhiraagu Marketing Communications & Public Relations
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