• 29 April 2002
    1 to 7 May - SMS Week
    Dhiraagu will be marking 1 to 7 May 2002 as the SMS Week. During this week all DhiMobile customers can send SMS messages for FREE.

    In addition, every customer who sends an SMS during the week will be automatically entered into a lucky draw where 20 winners will be awarded DhiMobile Pre-Paid Connection Kits as prizes.

    Dhiraagu CEO, Ismail Waheed, said, "From 1 May there is no monthly charge for SMS and the service has been activated free to all DhiMobile customers. The SMS Week is therefore an ideal time for customers to try out and experience how easy, convenient and fun communicating by SMS can be."

    Customers with any queries can call 123 FREE (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) or email [email protected].

    Issued by:

    Ahmed Shaafiu
    Marketing Manager
    Phone: 3311450
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