• 03 April 2011
    Dhiraagu To Introduce Usage-Limits & SMS Alerts For Customers To Better Manage Mobile Postpaid Usage
    With the increase of smart phones and applications using excessive data and the need from customers to manage their usage Dhiraagu will be introducing usage-limit and SMS alert feature for all mobile postpaid customers effective 6th April 2011.

    This is an initiative based on feedback from customers and will facilitate customers to better understand and control their usage levels. Customers will also have the option to change their usage-limit in discussion with Dhiraagu, should they wish to do so.

    With this introduction all mobile postpaid customers will receive the following:

    • A usage-limit based on customer’s recent usage and payment history.
    • SMS alerts when usage reaches 70% and 85% of the limit.
    • Check bill balance and usage-limit via SMS to 727 or calling 123.

    The process of introducing usage limits to all postpaid mobile users will be completed by June 2011.

    We are continuously working to find ways of enhancing our services to customers and hope this development will give our customers better control and management of their bill.

    For any queries on usage limit and alerts, customers may contact Dhiraagu customer service.

    Issued by:

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