• 31 March 2010
    Dhiraagu 3G Network Optimization
    Further to the announcement made on 23rd March, please be advised that we are continuing with the optimization and fine tuning of the 3G network.

    During this period customers are likely to face difficulties in making and receiving calls if their phones are set on 3G network.

    We would also like to highlight that we have carried out major part of the optimization work yesterday and we now expect to complete all works by Mid April 2010.

    During this period, it is advised for customers on 3G network to manually select and set their phones to Dual or Auto mode. In case you may continue to experience any difficulties we advise you to revert back to our 2G (GSM) network through manual settings.

    For further details on manual setting you may contact our call center 123 for free or visit any of our customer front offices and mobile shop.

    We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause our customers.

    Issued by:

    Dhiraagu Marketing Communications and Public Relations
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