• 24 December 2022
    Announcement regarding DhiraaguTV and DhiraaguPlay
    Ref No: CS-GC/2022/PR-20

    Further to the announcement issued regarding DhiraaguTV service in October, we would like to inform all our customers that Dhiraagu’s Rebroadcasting License expires on 29 January 2023. Our application to renew our license was rejected by the Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) based on the amendments to the Rebroadcasting Regulation (R-1/2022) made in January 2022 which introduced a provision prohibiting companies with foreign shareholders from providing rebroadcasting services in the Maldives. Throughout the year, we have assertively engaged with all relevant authorities to try and resolve the matter and continue offering our DhiraaguTV and DhiraaguPlay service in a fair and sustainable regulatory environment. The uncertainty around the license has also resulted in Dhiraagu not being able to grow the business as it had planned and lead to losses. ​

    Having regard to the present regulatory challenges, in the best interests of the company and its shareholders, the Dhiraagu Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to discontinue the DhiraaguTV and DhiraaguPlay service and mitigate any further loss. As per the Regulation, we are required to give a 30-day notice before we can discontinue our service. Therefore, 29 January 2023 will be the last day of DhiraaguTV and DhiraaguPlay service. ​ We are saddened to come to this decision and our sincere apologies for the inconvenience that this may cause our customers.

    Our priority has been to try to find a solution which will not deprive DhiraaguTV customers from having choices and options for a consistent good quality IPTV service, irrespective of where they may reside. We were in discussion with a number of parties who approached us expressing their interest to provide rebroadcasting services. As a result, we have agreed to provide our IPTV/OTT network as a service to a newly licensed rebroadcaster, SS Network Pvt Ltd. We have planned for our customers to conveniently opt-in for the new rebroadcaster's service. Further details will be communicated to all DhiraaguTV and DhiraaguPlay customers in the coming weeks.

    During the past seven years, Dhiraagu has invested in more than 100 premium channels and made the service available to over 85% of national households, covering 95 islands. We would like to thank all our customers for their trust and support which has greatly contributed to the success of DhiraaguTV.

    Contact Information:
    Phone: 3311121
    Email: [email protected]

    Issued by:
    Dhiraagu Investor Relations

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